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1.752" Georgia Sheriff's Office Challenge Coin

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You will receive: The coin in the shown photo. There will be no customizations on samples.

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7 days
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1.752" Georgia Sheriff's Office Challenge Coin

Deputy Sheriff, as the peacemakers, the thin blue line is to honor and respect their service. The challenge coin features the law enforcement oath of honor on one side and a Thin Blue Line deputy's star on the other. Material: Iron with silver plated, durable and long-term lasting. Front side: Featured a Thin Blue Line deputy's star. Back side: To honor all law enforcement's HONOR, COURAGE, STRENGTH, and INTEGRITY. Meaningful coin gift for our thin blue line officer heroes on birthdays, Retirement, Police Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. Thanks for serving this country. For more than 30 years, BPS has been committed to designing and manufacturing various high-quality custom military coins. You and your military members can proudly collect or display these custom commemorative coins.

Supplier capabilities of BPS

These customizations will be available to you when ordering a production run from this supplier.
The icon of + Custom Lapel PinsCustom Lapel Pins
The icon of + Custom Trading PinsCustom Trading Pins
The icon of + Custom StickersCustom Stickers
The icon of + Custom  PatchesCustom Patches
The icon of + Custom Challenge CoinsCustom Challenge Coins
The icon of + Custom Belt BucklesCustom Belt Buckles
The icon of + Custom MedalsCustom Medals
The icon of + Custom PVC PatchesCustom PVC Patches
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Reviews for BPS

2 reviews for BPS
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Hilda Smith

December 05, 2023
I ordered the exact same keychain from three different places just to get a feel for the quality and BPS was by far the best quality. I highly recommend them!!!!

Sammy Michael

December 05, 2023
Amazing products and service!
You will receive: The coin in the shown photo. There will be no customizations on samples.

Sample cost


Sample time

7 days
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Contact BPS to place a custom sample or production order.