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24 Inch Inflatable Beach Ball with two 6 Inch Glow Sticks - Green
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24 Inch Inflatable Beach Ball with two 6 Inch Glow Sticks - Green

Available to sample in limited sizes and limited colors. MOQ starts at 72. This unique Beach Ball lights up in the dark with the use of a High Quality 6" Glow Stick that you would insert into the center of the Beach Ball. Easy to use, Fun to play with and the Very Bright Glow Stick makes this a great night time or dark venue advertising platform. Beach ball color is milky until glow stick is inserted. Color of glowing light stick is reflected in the beach ball. Please Note: Glow items by nature are a 1 time use only. This item will NOT be custom printed. Order several blanks to compare the different brands to print your bulk order.

Supplier capabilities

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Screen Printing
Digital Screen Printing
Puff Printing
Puff Embroidery
Pantone Matching
Fold & Bag
Neck Labeling
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72 units


144 units


288 units

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PietraMember only item

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You will receive: This sample product will be blank - you may receive a size and color different from your specific selection

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Sample time

7 days
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PietraMember only item