
Open Slit Chest Bodysuit

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Open Slit Chest Bodysuit

One shoulder styling, Cut-out detail

Supplier capabilities of Samshek Inc

These customizations will be available to you when ordering a production run from this supplier.
The icon of + Custom Label StitchingCustom Label Stitching
The icon of + Fabric SourcingFabric Sourcing
The icon of + Product PrintingProduct Printing
The icon of + EmbroideryEmbroidery
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Reviews for Samshek Inc

1 review for Samshek Inc
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November 28, 2024
It took them 5 months to make 12 skirts. When asked what's the update during that time, they would say it's going to be mailed when it wasn't mailed for another 3 months. And when I recieved the skirts, it was made incorrectly. I asked about why there was a change in construction and never received a response.

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21 days
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