
Particle Perfume ( Iso E Super)

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You will receive: 5ml sample fragrance bottle containing your selected fragrance

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10 days
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Particle Perfume ( Iso E Super)

Particle is unlike any other fragrance you will ever wear. Inspired by Molecule 01, Particle is made of one single ingredient that is used in virtually all modern fragrances, Iso E Super. By isolating this one ingredient it behaves in a way that is unlike any other fragrance available. Some may feel that this fragrance has no smell at all, however this is a sign that the fragrance is doing exactly what it should... Mixing with your body chemistry and blending to create your own natural scent that is truly extraordinary and alluring. This fragrance is for any true fragrance connoisseur who is willing to venture into a new realm of fragrance. Launch your own line of fragrances. Chat with us if you would like to design your own fragrance that is unique to your brand.

Supplier capabilities of ALT Fragrances

These customizations will be available to you when ordering a production run from this supplier.
The icon of + Product LabelingProduct Labeling
The icon of + Fills 3rd party containersFills 3rd party containers
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50 units


50 units


50 units

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Work with supplier
You will receive: 5ml sample fragrance bottle containing your selected fragrance

Sample cost


Sample time

10 days
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Start a custom project
Contact ALT Fragrances to place a custom sample or production order.