
Russell Organics Rose Phyto Toner

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You will receive: The selected formula, in the packaging displayed with your supplier's label.

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Russell Organics Rose Phyto Toner

Ingredients: Water, Glycerin, Cassia Angustifolia (Senna) Seed Polysaccharide, Rhodiola Rosea (Roseroot) Extract*, Hydrolyzed Oat Protein, Panthenol (Vitamin B5), Phosphorous, Magnesium Ascorbylphosphate, Calcium Pantothenate (Vitamin B5), Magnesium Salicylate, Zinc Gloconate, Mortinga Pterygosperma (Moringa) Seed Extract*, Rosa Damascena (Rose) Oil*, Polysorbate 20, Leuconostoc (Radish Root Ferment Filtrate) *denotes certified organic ingredient Cruelty-free · Organic · Paraben-free

Supplier capabilities of Russell Organics

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You will receive: The selected formula, in the packaging displayed with your supplier's label.

Sample cost


Sample time

7 days
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