
Santal Cologne (Sandalwood, Citrus, White Musk, Leather, Birch, Tonka Bean)

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You will receive: 5ml sample fragrance bottle containing your selected fragrance

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Santal Cologne (Sandalwood, Citrus, White Musk, Leather, Birch, Tonka Bean)

A blend of two juggernauts creates an aromatic masterpiece in Santai Cologne. Wafting smells of sandalwood reminiscent of an antique shop blend with the youthful and sharp citrus aromas familiar in Aventus Cologne combine to create a sure fire unique scent. As Santai Cologne dries down you begin to waft aromas of leather in the base blending with the White musk, Birch and Tonka Bean. Make no mistake, although contradictory by the name of this fragrance, that as always it is of Extrait de Parfum strength allowing for the scent to linger through the evening.

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You will receive: 5ml sample fragrance bottle containing your selected fragrance

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Sample time

10 days
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