Set Of 25 | 10 X 10 X 10" Corrugated Boxes
Shipping BoxesCorrugated Mailer BoxesPolymailersStickersTissue PaperCardstock BoxesLabelsHang Tags
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$33.00Sample time
4 daysSet Of 25 | 10 X 10 X 10" Corrugated Boxes
10 X 10 X 10" Lightweight 32 ECT
Budget friendly shipping boxes for lightweight shipments.
Ship toys, clothing, towels and other durable items.
32 ECT boxes are up to 19% lighter than 200 lb. test.
Sold in Bundles of 25
Supplier capabilities of Tiger Packaging
These customizations will be available to you when ordering a production run from this supplier.Full Color Printing
Custom Packaging Accessories
Custom Labels
Custom Stickers
Custom Mailers & Shipping Boxes
Reviews for Tiger Packaging
Femme and Fawn
March 22, 2024I am very happy with the service.
Femme and Fawn
March 22, 2024I am very pleased with the product and process.
Petals & Poison
January 17, 2024Consistent and quality packaging. Very easy to work with and very fast shipping! :)
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25 units
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