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21 daysShiny Faux Leather Pants
Thinking of dressing up a bit differently? The Sanshek shiny pants are just what you need. They are made of faux leather material that gives a rich look to your entire outfit and keeps you comfortable at the same time. The pants have an overall fitted look that would flaunt your curves at the right places. They end at the ankles that make them ideal to be worn with ankle length heels. These pants are perfect for a much-awaited club evening with friends.
Supplier capabilities of Samshek Inc
These customizations will be available to you when ordering a production run from this supplier.Custom Label Stitching
Fabric Sourcing
Product Printing
Reviews for Samshek Inc
November 28, 2024It took them 5 months to make 12 skirts. When asked what's the update during that time, they would say it's going to be mailed when it wasn't mailed for another 3 months. And when I recieved the skirts, it was made incorrectly. I asked about why there was a change in construction and never received a response.
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You will receive: Your chosen style in the size in the color and units selected. Custom tags are not typically used on single unit sample orders.