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Turmeric Skincare Set for Dark Spots

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7 days
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Turmeric Skincare Set for Dark Spots

Ingredients: Vitamin C, Paraben-free, Cruelty-free, Vegan Main Ingredients: Turmeric, Vitamin C Features: Anti-aging, Whitening, Dark circle treatment, Nourishing, Acne treatment, Moisturizing, Lightening Place of Origin: China Supply Type: OEM/ODM Gender: Unisex Age Group: Adults Model Number: Turmeric Skin Care Set Packaging Type: Sets Available Quantity: 5000 sets Application: For home use Use: Face Product Name: Turmeric Face Care Set Function: Hydrating Skin Type: All skin types Factory: Yes OEM: Yes Gender: Female and male Logo: Customized logo acceptable Service: Private label Brand: Customized brand

Supplier capabilities of Zhengzhou Magique Huaer Biotech Co.,Ltd

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Reviews for Zhengzhou Magique Huaer Biotech Co.,Ltd

1 review for Zhengzhou Magique Huaer Biotech Co.,Ltd
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January 18, 2023
testing product and i love the cleanser -- i am watching for results to submit order for all pieces in kit are essential and easy routine supplier is great
You will receive: You will receive a quality-testing sample in the variant that you select

Sample cost


Sample time

7 days
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Contact Zhengzhou Magique Huaer Biotech Co.,Ltd to place a custom sample or production order.