Pietra makes it easy to start an eyeshadow line

Find a vetted eyeshadow factory on Pietra.
We've found the world's top factories. Pietra's factory network works with: Sephora, Ulta, Boots, Walgreens, KKW Beauty, Ralph Lauren, Shein, Zara, TopShop, Revolve, and 100s more.
After sourcing, set up your order fulfillment.
Pietra members get access to a members-only 3PL, but you can totally go at it yourself and contact Shipmonk, Shipbob, or Stord for order fulfillment.
Create your e-commerce website.
Use Pietra for a super simple e-commerce website or use platforms like Shopify, Squarespace, or BigCommerce to hire a developer and launch a website.And much more...
Reviews from entrepreneurs starting an eyeshadow brand